Frequently asked questions.
Where is St. Joseph’s Addiction Treatment & Recovery Centers located?
We have Outpatient locations in New York State, in Saranac Lake, Massena, Malone, Tupper Lake, Elizabethtown, Ticonderoga, and Keeseville.
Our inpatient and veterans’ residential treatment programs are located in Saranac Lake, NY.
Our adolescent inpatient treatment program is located in Massena, NY.
In addition to the services offered at the Outpatient Clinics, we provide assessment, individual and group counseling addressing Early Recovery Skills, Recovery Issues, Relapse Prevention, Continuing Care and Co-Dependency, and after-care planning at the Franklin and Essex County Jails.
How long will I, or a loved one need treatment?
There are factors that will determine the best course, and duration of treatment. As well differences in entering an outpatient or inpatient program. Contact our admissions staff at admissions@stjoestreatment.org for further details related to treatment timelines.
We are one of the only programs in New York State to offer a treatment stay of up to 90 days for our legally mandated clients.
What can I bring with me to treatment?
Please take a look at our helpful What To Bring page.
Do you treat co-occurring conditions?
Yes, St. Joseph’s provides treatment for those that suffer from substance use disorder and any accompanying mental health diagnoses they might have.
Do you have 24 hour psychiatric services?
We have mental health services available via phone 24 hours a day.
I need to talk to someone after normal posted hours. Is that possible?
Yes, we are here for you 24-hours. Please call (518) 354-5390.